Słownik angielsko-polski
contract management - the delegation of a part, of the work o a responsible body or organisation to another person/body/organisation by contract
Kierownictwo kontraktowe
contraries - materials contrasting to the desired end product requiring separate treatment. A term mainly used in recycling/composting/separation systems
Pojemniki, kontenery na opady
controlled wastes - wastes which are controlled by international, national, or state legislation
Odpady kontrolowane
Core - material obtained when using a hollow drill to produce a borehole
corrosive waste - a waste with the potential to cause serious damage to human tissue and to other organic tissues
Odpady agresywne
cost Benefit Analysis - a technique which evaluates the social costs and benefits of investment projects in order to help decide whether or not such projects should be undertaken
Analiza kosztów i korzyści
cover - material used to cover solid wastes deposited in landfills
cradle to-grave system - a system of waste management, particularly applicable to hazardous waste, by which the movement of waste is monitored by means of a manifest-type notification system throughout all stages from its place of origin to final disposal
System gospodarki odpadami od źródła do kresu ...
Kierownictwo kontraktowe
contraries - materials contrasting to the desired end product requiring separate treatment. A term mainly used in recycling/composting/separation systems
Pojemniki, kontenery na opady
controlled wastes - wastes which are controlled by international, national, or state legislation
Odpady kontrolowane
Core - material obtained when using a hollow drill to produce a borehole
corrosive waste - a waste with the potential to cause serious damage to human tissue and to other organic tissues
Odpady agresywne
cost Benefit Analysis - a technique which evaluates the social costs and benefits of investment projects in order to help decide whether or not such projects should be undertaken
Analiza kosztów i korzyści
cover - material used to cover solid wastes deposited in landfills
cradle to-grave system - a system of waste management, particularly applicable to hazardous waste, by which the movement of waste is monitored by means of a manifest-type notification system throughout all stages from its place of origin to final disposal
System gospodarki odpadami od źródła do kresu ...