Słownik angielsko-polski
de-inking - a process for removing ink from printed paper used for recycling
Usuwanie farby drukarskiej
denitrification - reduction by bacteria action of nitrate to elementary nitrogen
density - in a landfill context, the ratio of the combined mass of fill material and soil cover to their combined volume
derelict land - land which is so damaged by industrial or other development that it is incapable of beneficial use without treatment
Teren skażony
desalinisation - removing salt from ocean or rackish water
destruction and removal efficiency - usually applied to processes such as incineration to provide an indication of the efficiency achieved in destroying particular hazardous species and in removing them from stack gases
Sprawność procesu rozkładu i usuwania
destructive distillation - the heating of solid substances in closed retorts in the absence of air, and condensation of the ensuing volatile gases
Rozkładowa destylacja
desulfurizatuion - removing of sulphur from fossil fuels to reduce pollution
de-tinning - the removal of tin from tin plate, e.g. recovered tin cans
detoxification - process to remove or transform toxic substances
Usuwanie farby drukarskiej
denitrification - reduction by bacteria action of nitrate to elementary nitrogen
density - in a landfill context, the ratio of the combined mass of fill material and soil cover to their combined volume
derelict land - land which is so damaged by industrial or other development that it is incapable of beneficial use without treatment
Teren skażony
desalinisation - removing salt from ocean or rackish water
destruction and removal efficiency - usually applied to processes such as incineration to provide an indication of the efficiency achieved in destroying particular hazardous species and in removing them from stack gases
Sprawność procesu rozkładu i usuwania
destructive distillation - the heating of solid substances in closed retorts in the absence of air, and condensation of the ensuing volatile gases
Rozkładowa destylacja
desulfurizatuion - removing of sulphur from fossil fuels to reduce pollution
de-tinning - the removal of tin from tin plate, e.g. recovered tin cans
detoxification - process to remove or transform toxic substances