confined aquifer - an aquifer in which groundwater is confined at a pressure grater than atmospheric by overlying, relatively impermeable strata
Zbiornik wody artezyjskiej

conservation - essentially, the preservation of the environment of human and other forms of life in a condition to fulfil their needs for a healthy and satisfactory life
Zachowanie środowiska

consignment notes - statutory information forms relating to consignments of wastes
Listy przewozowe

container - in the waste management context, a receptacle for the storage of wastes and, in some cases, the transportation of wastes also
Pojemnik. Kontener na odpady

container compaction system - an on site system employing a power-operated compaction unit to compress refuse into containers
Układ do zagęszczania odpadów w kontenerach

container system - a storage, collection, and transportation system which involves the use of containers of a size larger than that which can be loaded manually
System kontenerowy

containment site - landfill site where the rate of release of leachate into environment is extremely low
Składowisko szczelne

contaminated land - a general term on which there appears to be consensus that it includes land which represents an actual or potential hazard to health or the environment a...