methanogenic - methane-producing microbial reaction
· Metageniczna
microbe micro-organism - small organisms, usually single cells, which normally are only visible under a microscope. They include algae, bacteria and fungi
· Drobnoustrój mikrobowy
mill - a mechanical device used to reduce the size of solid waste to small particles
· Młynek
mixed sludge - a mixture of primary and secondary sludge
· Osad mieszany
mixing chamber - a chamber usually placed between the primary and secondary combustion chambers of an incinerator
· Komora mieszania
mobile incinerator - a modular incineration system mounted on a series of road transport trailers
· Spalarnia przewoźna
moisture content - weight of moisture contained in a sample of waste or soil
· Zawartość wilgoci
molten salt combustion - a thermal destruction technique involving the oxidisation of organic matter by injection below the surface of a molten salt bath
· Spalanie w roztopionej soli
monitoring - a continuous or regular periodic check to determine the environmental impact of operations and/or ensure compliance with waste facility disposal licence/permit conditions and/or other statutory environmental safety requirements
· Monitoring
motive unit - the tractor unit of an articulated vehicle
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