pathogen - a micro-organism responsible for disease
· Mikroorganizm chorobotwórczy

payload - the weight of material carried by a loaded or partly loaded vehicle
· Ciężar ładunku

PCDDs ( polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins) - a group of chlorinated tricyclic compounds which occur with the PCDFs as trace contaminants in a range of manufactured organic chemicals and which may also be found in gases and fly ash emitted from a variety of combustion processes
· Polichlorowane dwubenzo-p-dioksyny

PCDFs ( polychlorinated dibenzofurans) - a group of chlorinated tricyclic organic compounds chemically similar to, but structurally distinct from, the PCDDs with which they share the same mode of occurrence and environmental ubiquity
· Polichlorowanedwubezofurany

perched water table - the upper surface of a body of perched water
· Zwierciadło wody zawieszonej

percolation - the passage of leachate through wastes in a mainly downward path
· Przesączanie (się), przesiąkanie, perkolacja

peripheral drain - a drain provided around the boundary of a site
· Dren opaskowy

permeability - a measure of the rate at which a fluid will pass through a medium
· Przepuszczalność

permit (US) - an authorisation, licence, or equivalent control document issued by EPA o...