Słownik angielsko-polski
clinker - hard, sintered, or fused pieces of residue formed in a fire by the agglomeration of ash, metals, glass, and ceramics
closed loop - in the context of recycling, the practice of recovering material from a waste stream (emission, effluent or solid waste) as it exits a production process and recycling it back into the same production process with or without intermediate handling or transport
coefficient of storage - the volume of water released from or taken into storage per unit surface area of an aquifer per unit change in the component of hydraulic head normal to that surface
Współczynnik wypełnienia
collect system - term for methods of household waste separation involving the consumer's separating out recyclable materials in the household for collection from the household
System zbiórki odpadów
combined heat and power (CHP) - term used to describe the joint production of heat ( steam or water or both and power ) usually in form of electricity)
Kombinowany system wytwarzania ciepła i energii elektrycznej
combustion air - air supplied to fuel in furnace to enable combustion to take place
Powietrze spalania
combustion chamber - the chamber in an incinerator
Komora spalania
combustion efficiency (CE) - a term providing an overal...
closed loop - in the context of recycling, the practice of recovering material from a waste stream (emission, effluent or solid waste) as it exits a production process and recycling it back into the same production process with or without intermediate handling or transport
coefficient of storage - the volume of water released from or taken into storage per unit surface area of an aquifer per unit change in the component of hydraulic head normal to that surface
Współczynnik wypełnienia
collect system - term for methods of household waste separation involving the consumer's separating out recyclable materials in the household for collection from the household
System zbiórki odpadów
combined heat and power (CHP) - term used to describe the joint production of heat ( steam or water or both and power ) usually in form of electricity)
Kombinowany system wytwarzania ciepła i energii elektrycznej
combustion air - air supplied to fuel in furnace to enable combustion to take place
Powietrze spalania
combustion chamber - the chamber in an incinerator
Komora spalania
combustion efficiency (CE) - a term providing an overal...