environmental impact assessment - the total effect of any operation on the surrounding environment
Ocena oddziaływania na środowisko

environmentally friendly - an imprecise term used to describe a product whose manufacture, use, and disposal is considered to have a minimal negative impact on human health and the environment
Przyjazne(y) dla środowiska

environmentally preferable - an action, process, or product that represents reduced impact on the quality of the environment

erosion - the wearing away and removal of weathered land surfaces by natural agents such as rain, running water, wind, temperature changes, and bacteria

evapotranspiration - transfer of water from the earth's surface to the atmosphere by evaporation from lakes, streams, rivers and soil surfaces and by transpiration from plants, etc

excavator - e earth-moving machine designed to excavate soil where space for the use of a bulldozer-scraper combination is restricted, or where the depth of the excavation is high in relation to its area

excess activated sludge - the quantity of activated sludge surpassing that needed for process operation which is removed from the activated sludge system for ultimate disposal
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