gas-tight - where, at any point outside the influence of a gas control system, the concentration of flammable gas from landfill gas is less than 1% and that of carbon dioxide is less than 0,5%.

generator (of waste) - any person whose activity productions wastes or, if person is not known, the person who is in possession and/or control of those wastes.
Wytwarzający odpady

geological formation - an assemblage of rocks which have some characteristics in common, whether of origin, age, or composition.
Formacja geologiczna

grade - the gradient imparted to landfill surfaces designed to assist from drainage of surface water and reduce infiltration.

grader - a machine used to form a landfill surface slope.

gravel - aggregate consisting of rock fragments in the general size range of 2-65 mm in diameter.

gavitational water - water which moves downwards through soil or a landfill under the influence of gravity.
Woda grawitacyjna

ground cover - plants grown to prevent or reduce soil erosion.
Obsiew; Zadrzewienie

groundwater - water filling out cavities in soil and rock and with a hydrostatic pressure higher than or equal to that of atmospheric pressure.
Woda gruntowa
