neutralisation - the adjustment of the pH value of a solution to approximately 7,00 by addition of acidic or alkaline liquors as appropriate
· Neutralizacja

night soil - solid and liquid human excrement collected from pails or chemical closets at premises not connected to a sewer or cesspool
· Fekalia

nimby - not In My Back Yard
· Syndrom „Nimby”

nitrification - oxidation of ammonium or ammoniac to nitrite and nitrate by means of bacterial activity
· Nitryfikacja

non-ferrous metals - metals which do not contain iron
· Metale nieżelazne

non-renewable resources - resources such as minerals or fossil fuels which are replaced on a geological time scale
· Zasoby nieodnawialne

non-thermal destruction - a collective description for a wide range of methods and technologies employed to destroy wastes
· Rozkład nietermiczny

no-odour zones - this is not a standard term, but has been colloquially to describe the planing concept of prohibiting waste management facilities from emitting offensive odours into designated surrounding areas
· Strefa ochronna

normal temperature and pressure (NTP) - a temperature of 273,15 K (oC ) and a pressure of 101325 Pa; used as a reference standard for gas volumetric ...