installed capacity - the handling or processing capacity of equipment or machinery installed in a plant
· Przepustowość zainstalowana

insecticide - a type of pesticide designed to control insect life
· Insektycydy

integrated waste management - the term refers to the complementary use of a variety of waste management practices to safely and effectively handle the municipal solid waste stream with the least adverse impact on human health and the environment
· Zintegrowana gospodarka odpadami

intermediate processing facility (IPF) - plant for the separation and processing of co-mingled source-separated materials, usually involving a combination of mechanical and manual sorting systems
· Pośrednia stacja przeróbki

interstices - the open spaces between solid materials in a porous medium
· Szczeliny

interstitial water - water held in the interstices of rock
· Woda międzycząstkowa

ion exchange - the exchange of ions of like charge between a solid and liquid medium
· Wymiana jonowa

jet, overfire - a jet of air or steam designed to promote turbulence above fuel bed in a furnace and so reduce the formation of smoke
· Strumień, nad paleniskiem


kerbside collection - the collection of household wastes from t...