solubility - a measure of the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent
  • Rozpuszczalność

solvents - omnibus term for liquids which are used to dissolve other substances
  • Rozpuszczalniki

soot - finely divided carbon particles which adhere together
  • Sadza

sootblowing - the use of jets of steam or compressed air to remove soot deposits from boilers
  • Wydmuchiwanie sadzy

sorption - the process by which fluid is taken up by a solid or liquid
  • Sorpcja

sorting - the manual separation and extraction of salvageable material from solid waste
  • Sortowanie

source reduction - any practice that reduces the amount of any pollutant generated
  • Redukcja u źródła

spadable sludge - sludge that can be readily forked or shoveled from a sludge drying bed
  • Osad wysuszony na poletku osadowym

spalling of refractories - the breaking or crushing of a refractory unit due to thermal, mechanical, or structural causes
  • Łuszczenie się materiałów ogniotrwałych

specific retention - the volume of water retained in rock interstices after free drainage
  • Retencja właściwa

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