stack - a vertical passage through which products of combustion are conducted to the atmosphere
  • Komin

stack effect - the vertical movement of hot gases in a stack that results because they are hotter, and therefore less dense, than the atmosphere
  • Efekt kominowy

statutory limit - a specific upper limit which by law cannot be exceeded
  • Graniczna wartość dopuszczalna

steam - water in the vapour state
  • Para

sterilization - the destruction or removal, by chemical or physical means, of all micro-organisms in a material or on an object
  • Sterylizacja

still bottoms - residues remaining after the distillation of organic materials and which occur as solid or semi-solid material, tar, sludge, or liquid
  • Szlam podestylacyjny

stoichiometric - the exact or fixed proportions of elements in a chemical compound or of reactants to produce a compound
  • Stechiometryczna/ -e/ -y

stoker - a mechanical feeding mechanism to control the rate of solid fuel admission into a furnace boiler
  • Ruszt zasilający

storage pit - a pit in which solid waste is held prior to processing
  • Szyb magazynowy

street cleaning - measu...