wheel cleaning - the process by which dirt and mud adhering to the wheels ( and maybe the chassis ) of vehicles that have traveled over a landfill are removed before they gain access to public roads
Czyszczenie kół

white goods - a general term used to describe discarded equipment and appliances, often made from sheet steel coated with white enamel
Sprzęty domowe białe

windbreaks - a barrier or vertical mesh screen designed and installed to prevent the spread of windblown litter from a landfill onto adjacent land
Ekrany wiatrowe; Osłony wiatrowe

working face - the area of a landfill in which waste is currently being deposited
Przodek roboczy

working plan - a plan shoving the operational practice and development of a landfill site in relation to the engi-neering works ( preliminary, continuing, and restoration)
Plan pracy