Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) - the lowest percentage concentration by volume of mixture of flammable gas with air which will propagate an explosion in confined space at 25oC and atmospheric pressure
· Dolna Granica Wybuchowości

Lower Flammable Limit (LFL) - the lowest percentage by volume of mixture of flammable gas with air which will propagate a flame at 25oC and atmospheric pressure
· Dolna Granica Palności

licence - a formal permission for waste treatment and/ or disposal operations at a specified location (site)
· Licencja

light fraction - a term commonly used in waste separation processes, to denote a density distinction between separated particles; paper, plastics, cardboard are usually included in the “Light Fraction” stream
· Frakcja lekka

lignin - complex aromatic polymer associated with cellulose in plants
· Lignina; Drzewnik

lift - a layer of deposited waste and its associated cover material
· Warstwa odpadów z przykryciem

liner - a natural or synthetic membrane material used to line the base and sides of a landfill site to prevent leachate seeping into surrounding geological strata
· Membrana

lining, furnace wall - the material used on the inside of a furnace wall; usually of high grade refractory tiles or b...